Monday, April 22, 2013

Sunflower and Money Seed Lab

Week 1
The plants sat on the desk infront of the window. The sunflower plant and Money seed both received a bottle cap of water per day. Neither Plants sprouted.

Week 2
The plants remained on the desk infront of the window. The plants received a bottle cap of water every other day. The sunflower sprouted and broke the surface of the soil. The money seed did not sprout

Week 3
The plants were kept in the same spot and received the same amount of water. The sunflower seed grew and no stands above the soil. The money seed did not sprout and is presumed to be dead.

Week 4
The sunflower seed's stem bent and the plant is laying down and is turning brown. The money seed showed no sigh of life. Both plants are presumed to be dead.

Week 5
The plants are dead.

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